Representative Projects

Geothermic Fuel Cell Testing - build test stand hardware and software to test prototypes of geothermic fuel cell assymbly.

Power Monitoring - projects include award winning networked power monitoring for a major telecom data center, power monitoring studies at locations such as theaters, manufacturing lines, water/wastewater treatment plants, office buildings, analytical labs, UPS installations, turbine generators, aircraft power systems and others.

Nuclear Power Plant - monitored structure for cause of sonic anomaly during reheat cycle, measured the propagation of a vibration wavefront through the support structure of the reactor to determine cause of event. Measurements also included over 100 other measurement points including strain gages, LVDT's, temperature, pressure and acoustic channels.

Battery Manufacturing line - networked SCADA system that included complex data analysis for real-time quality control.

Flowmeter Calibration - Upgrade control systems on NIST traceable flowmeter calibration systems for 2 - 200 GPM and 100 - 2200 GPM test stands for both reference meter and gravimetric calibrations.

Satellite Battery Test System - Software development for system used to test batteries used in satellites and launch vehicles.

Telescope Control Systems - Tracking system motion control for observatory class telescopes. Including correction for atmospheric refraction, relativistic effects, and earth motion. LabVIEW interface to Naval Observatory Vector Astrometry Subroutines (NOVAS) Version 2.0 available.

Groundwater Remediation - Control system for long-term groundwater remediation project. Including PID pump control, alarm monitoring, safety systems, filtration monitoring, remote access, paging, and data logging.

Wind Turbine Monitoring - long term, high channel count, wind turbulence and meteorlogical data with millisecond accuracy GPS timestamping to determine effects of turbulence on large wind turbines.

Long Term Remote Meteorlogical Tower Monitoring - Long term monitoring of Low Level Laminar Flow Jet stream phenomena to determine annual weather patterns in order to improve wind energy generation planning.

Simian Time Motion Study - Synchronize primate EMG signals with high speed video for extended periods of time.

Amusement Park Ride Strain Tester - portable system designed to measure strain on amusement park rides for design and analysis. Designed to be portable and durable so that the system could actually be placed on the ride during operation.

Power Monitoring Systems and Software Toolkits for LabVIEW - portable and permanent power monitoring systems and software power quality toolkits for LabVIEW.

Critical Freezer/Refrigerator Monitoring Systems - Monitor temperature of critical freezer/refrigerator that the EPA and FDA use for storage of samples. Systems page out alarms and logs temperature for documentation purposes.

Automated Chip Grinder - system with integrated motion, digital I/O, GPIB, analog I/O, SPC and material handling to tune high freqency filters automatically.

Hydraulic Motor Tester - Flexible real-time test control and data acquisition system for hydraulic motor tester. Included signal conditioning and panel layout.

Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition System - implemented a number of device drivers for vacuum pumps, vacuum control systems and motion control for subsystems.

Prototype Air Purifier for the International Space Station - Programmed control/data acquisition system for long-term testing of prototype air purifier. System included multiple PID loops, high channel count and flexible program scheduling for long-term testing.

HART Toolkit - HART toolkit for easy integration of your LabVIEW code to HART interface industrial sensors and controls.

LabVIEW Courses - Teach LabVIEW courses including Basics I & II, Int. I & II, Advanced Applications Development, Real-Time and others.

Other projects including nano positioning, image processing, production test, valve response testing, etc.